Here’s How To Find Love Again After 50 For Successful Women. It’s very simple, but it’s not easy. Amazingly, there is actually just one thing that makes all the difference.
So what is this one thing?
What is the one thing that separates these women who are successful in their careers but also successful in finding love from those women who may be successful in their careers but are starting to feel discouraged in their love lives?
- Maybe you’re feeling angry.
- Maybe you feel like you are doing everything to find love.
- Maybe you feel like love is just not for you.
Unfortunately, many women are resigning themselves and are ready to walk away from love forever. The secret to how to find love again after 50 for successful women can be summed up in one word, ladies, decision.
It’s not luck.
It’s not that the women that I work with who date successfully are having an easier life than you. They’ve got a crazy life going on, too.
- It’s not that they’re more extroverted.
- It’s not that they’re better looking.
- It’s not that they’re younger.
No, no, it’s none of that. So don’t use those excuses because we all have plenty of personal stuff going on that can get in the way. The women who are successful in love are still dealing with the same type of busyness in their life that you are. Regardless, they are finding love again at this age. But here’s what it comes down to. It’s because they are making the decision to prioritize the actual work it takes to find the love.
Make that bold resolution to:
- take radical responsibility for your work
- prioritize all that inner work that you need to do
- do all of that reconditioning of all the disempowering myths
It’s easier to do this with a guide, of course. Check out my blog about how I can be your guide to dating successfully in midlife and beyond.
You need to quit making all these excuses.
I’ve heard all the same excuses from my clients from all over, whether in New York City, Shanghai, and in the tiniest of towns.
So if you decide to quit using excuses, and if you also decide to say,
“You know what, yeah, there’s stuff going on in my life. But I am not letting that get in the way anymore.”
If you quit blaming others, and if you quit making excuses, you will become successful at finding love again. And if you actually focus on yourself, and stop using distractions, and stop using the myriad of issues that you can think of, you will see real results.
Usually, if you do not allow those distractions and make that conscious decision not to use those justifications anymore, your life will change.
Put that energy that you’ve been using for making distractions & excuses towards actually doing the damn work, and do the right work, to finding love again, then you too are going to be successful at dating and finding love. That’s all.
So it comes down to a decision here, ladies. You must resolve to make that conscious choice that your love life is worth a damn. You need to be resolute that you want to date better and you are willing to learn to date better. Put all the stuff that didn’t work in the trash.
So for example, if you determine not to online date and you actually don’t online date, you will become open to dating other ways that subsequently are going to be better for you. If you make that conscious choice, you will be successful at dating again. If you decide that love is for you, and you are willing to carve out time every week to work on that, and if you choose to actually do the work then you are going to find love.
To be successful at dating, you have to put away all of the excuses and all of the mistakes that you’re currently making, which are causing you to feel:
- miserable
- lonely
- frustrated
- jaded
- cynical
Although I know you’re a romantic at heart, and you actually want to have a secure, incredibly loving relationship, you must be willing to call yourself out on your own rationalizations and bullshit. So make that unwavering decision to do that. That is what is going to determine if you date successfully. Subsequently, you are going to find the love of your life. So it’s not going to take a magic pill.
Getting very clear on how you should be dating will help. By getting super confident in who you are right now, romantically, will make a world of difference. Bonus, you will get confident in who you are as a grown-ass woman, and what you bring to the table. You can learn how to properly connect with men with no online dating required.
If you make that conscious decision to do those things, then you’re going to be able to learn how to date successfully; you are going to be able to find that love you desire, regardless of where you live and your dating history. So that is the decision that I present to all of you lovely ladies who are reading this right now. To find love again after 50 for successful women, you must actually learn how to completely recondition yourself from all the conditioning you’ve received to this point. To erase all the excuses that you’re using and actually focus on yourself.
Unsurprisingly, it is going to take you making that conscious decision for you to find the love you are searching for. So, a commitment to that decision is the one thing you need to know to Find Love Again After 50 For Successful Women.
PS–I love having virtual coffee breaks/Ask Me Anything sessions. I invite you to book one, and I’ll answer your questions. Use this link to book: