Learn the Dating DNA that will show you how to avoid common dating mistakes, stop the self-sabotage, and crack the code for finding secure love at 40, 50, 60, and beyond.
Welcome to Ready for Love, a premium coaching experience for grown-ass women ready to be in a healthy relationship full of sparks.
If not now, then when?

You’ve been single for a while and you are ready to get back out there.
The thought of being in a loving relationship–where you feel seen, desired, and safe–makes your heart skip a beat as you envision Sunday mornings in his arms, or watching a Caribbean sunset with him as you share a bottle of bubbly.
You’re hopeful that he’s out there, and you’re excited to connect and have fun meeting him.
But when you share with friends and family that you’re thinking about dating again, the advice is bleak.
“Don’t even bother…guys only want to date 25-year-olds.”
“All of the guys out there are scammers—haven’t you seen The Tinder Swindler?”
And when you start browsing the internet dating sites, hoping it’s not true, you’re met with disappointment.

And if you do actually go out on a date, he talks over you, makes you feel uneasy, and starts to trigger you—the last time you felt disrespected like this was with your ex.
“Are all men like this? Is this just what dating is now?”
“Aren’t there *any* good men out here?”
Then it happens…
Your negative self-talk – the one you worked so hard to silence during therapy starts to sneak back in.

And just like that–the excitement and hope you felt vanishes. And you start to think that finding love again is impossible and that you’re just going to be alone for the rest of your life.
I’ve been there. I know how frustrating it can be. And it doesn’t have to be that way.
In fact, if there’s anything I know about you, it’s this:

But you don’t have time or emotional energy to waste navigating the dating hellscape that leaves other women discouraged, jaded, and giving up on love.
If you’re ready to date differently, and actually feel confident in attracting a secure man in a relationship full of sparks… Your time is now.

You *can* find love again. And here’s the good news…
You don’t need to subscribe to 237 online dating apps.
You don’t need to be 10-15 years younger.
You don’t need a celebrity matchmaker.
And you don’t need any more shitty dating advice that doesn’t work, like “just be patient….it will happen when you least expect it.”
You need a premium group program with a proven framework to attract the love you desire.
And you don’t have any more time to waste.

I’m Martha Bodyfelt.
And I’m a certified dating and relationship coach for busy women over 40. I help you attract love with my Dating DNA Framework so you can find love with a long-term partner in a relationship full of sparks.
I also went through a messy devastating divorce in 2010, and made literally every dating mistake for years.
Falling for emotionally unavailable men.
Thinking I could change a man’s toxic behavior if I loved him enough.
Being intimate too quickly and then reeling from the rejection when he ghosted me.
Believing I had to make myself small in order for a guy to like me.
Bending over backwards, not expressing my own needs, and sacrificing who I was just to make him stay.
It wasn’t until I looked inward, got honest with myself, and literally changed everything that I had been taught to do to attract men.
And when I developed my own dating framework, I started to have success with men.
My self-worth increased.
My confidence returned.
I got clear on what I *actually* wanted.
And the love that I thought only existed in movies started to come my way.
Since 2015, I have helped grown-ass women find love by teaching them how to trust themselves, feel empowered, and worthy so they can attract the man of their dreams.

Ready for Love is the premium group program for grown-ass women who are ready to attract a loving partner and don’t want to waste any more precious time and emotional energy following outdated stale advice that doesn’t work.
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For women who want to find love again, the Ready for Love Premium Group Program shows you the exact framework to attract a secure and loving partner in a long-term relationship full of sparks.

Ready for Love is the premium group program exclusively for women who are ready to date again after a long-term relationship but have outgrown the stale dating advice that makes them feel self-conscious, old, afraid, and discouraged to be dating in their 40s, 50s, and 60s.
Unlike typical dating programs that ignore women over 40 and are stuffed with superficial advice like, “smile more….dress sexy…be the cool girl,” Ready for Love is designed for high-achieving midlife women who don’t have time to waste messing around on the apps, swiping right on grainy pictures of mediocre man-children, and getting drunk at bars with frat boys.

Ready to be empowered, confident, and successful in your love life?

Dating DNA Phase 1: Dating Detox
The essential and not talked about first step to finding love again – focus on you and not on the men! Using my curated methods you will create the much needed space to achieve full success during this experience.
– Key tools: Lion Heart Courage tools and Intentional Dating Framework
– Belief identifying and Belief shifting work using scientifically backed tools like neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and energy release work to let go of the past dating patterns that no longer serve you
Dating DNA Phase 2: Total Confidence
Stop doubting yourself and erase the unhelpful thoughts of “not being young/good/pretty/skinny enough” as you build self-assuredness and sexy confidence.
– Key Tools: Personal Human Design Reading, Feminine Energy Mastery
– Radical Intuition Work and the Non-Negotiable Planning so you’ll know how to look for (and attract) your ideal partner

Dating DNA Phase 3: Total Connection
Expand your capacity to actually connect and meet men that are a “yes!” Best of all? No online dating required!
– Tools: Romantic Partner Framework; Resilience Framework
– This stage is all about action – that’s where clarity happens!
Are you ready to attract the premium love you want in just 4 months?

Ready for Love Program Guarantees
- You will know how to successfully use your life experience as an asset when you start dating again…no more dating like you’re 20
- You will release the belief systems about love that no longer serve you…and replace them with empowering mindsets that will attract the love you desire
- You will be completely confident your evolved dating standards and values, and know how to let go of men who do not align with them
- You know how to make connections with high-value men…without online dating

Are you ready and willing to receive all of this (and more) in just 4 months?

Ready for Love is for you if:
✅ You’re a woman who wants to find love again with a secure and long-term partner who cherishes and excites you and are okay doing the hard work before you date
✅ You want to feel supported by a coach and mentor who really understands you
✅ You are ready to do a complete DATING DETOX so you can learn about past patterns that are no longer serving you so you don’t repeat them. This means no rushing into dating until after the program.
✅ You’re curious and motivated to learn new things, and open to release old belief systems that no longer serve you
✅ You are open to completely rebuilding your dating foundations, questioning what you know, and breaking bad habits so you can date successfully midlife
✅ You’re ready to take RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY for your own life, your own behavior, and your own progress over the next 4 months
✅ You take action and are ready to get a little uncomfortable. Successful clients are women who try new things even if they feel nervous
✅ You only want to work with a mentor who is qualified to support you
✅ You want to be in a community with other women who are also ready to find love again
✅ You value your most precious resource – your time! Instead of spending your time in “trial and error” mode, you want to leap-frog ahead and focus on doing the right things to find love.

Ready for Love is NOT for you if:
❌ You expect a quick and easy fix for your love life without any effort on your part
❌You’re not ready to show up, dig deep, and do the work
❌ You prefer to play the victim and default to blaming others (your ex, your parents, your childhood, your astrological sign) when things don’t go your way
❌ You give up easily and/or catastrophize when you hit a bump in the road
❌ You are not ready to dig deep and take radical responsibility for changing your own behavior patterns that are no longer serving you
❌ You expect the man of your dreams to just show up on your doorstep without making any effort
❌ You think finding a partner will solve all your problems and “save you” from your past relationships and trauma.

This program is perfect for you if you want to find love again with a long-term secure partner. If you are a busy midlife woman who is ready to become a better dater before you even start dating again, this program is for you.
Price Is a long-term investment in yourself, your emotional well-being, and your love life that goes beyond dollars.
The potency of what I teach and the experiences you’ll get in the Ready for Love program will last for decades. You will avoid the costly mistakes that many women make when finding love. And you will save years of heartache, loneliness, stress, and anxiety that come from failing to find the love you desire.
With this program, you will be completely transformed into a confident, desirable woman who can easily attract a secure and loving partner. How much is this worth to you, your mental health, your love life, and the rest of your life?
Nobody can guarantee that you’ll have true love after four months, and be wary of any program with that promise. But if you apply the Dating DNA Framework that you’ll learn in this program, you will become a successful dater who’ll attract the love you desire. I am going to be with you 100% during this process, and will work with you until you feel confident, and ready to date again.
I am a certified dating and relationship coach through the International Coaching Federation, and have professionally coached and mentored over 100 women since 2017. Since 2015, I have also served as an expert contributor to the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Psychology Today, Elephant Journal, and The Good Men Project – my work via media has reached over 10 million women ready for love again.
This group is purposefully small and a safe space so that you will feel heard, seen, and supported. But if you feel that group coaching is not for you, I am happy to offer you a private, customized program. Click here to discuss.
You will be invited to participate in a free alumni group so that you can receive continued support, accountability, and encouragement after the program ends. I am also here for you after the program, and will be by your side until you are in the loving relationship you desire.
Absolutely! The program includes deep foundational work in recognizing and negating past relationship patterns that could sabotage your current or future relationships. Ready for Love also teaches you how to strengthen your intuition and sharpen your communication skills so you can build a strong foundation with your partner that will create a secure and healthy relationship.
Your results are dependent on your effort. In my 5+years of working with women on love and relationships, the most successful clients are intentional and clear about their goals, take radical responsibility for themselves, attend and participate in the sessions, do the homework, and make brave behavioral changes to attract the love they desire. I am here to ensure you get those results and will work with you until you are satisfied.
The Ready for Love program is unlike anything you’ve experienced before. The small, intimate space with like-minded midlife women, the personalized coaching, and the tools I will share with you along the way contribute to the love, support, and motivation you deserve to find love again.
You may start as a midlife woman wanting to find love again, but you will leave as a woman transformed in her mind, body, and soul – truly secure, confident, and ready to attract the partner she desires.
Every client of mine is busy – it’s just how incredible women like you are wired! To make the most of the Ready for Love program, you’ll want to show up to the weekly group sessions (90 minutes every Tuesday evening from 7pm-8:30pm EST) and give yourself 1-2 hours a week to implement the work. All sessions are recorded and you will have many opportunities to connect out the live sessions so you won’t miss anything.
However, I would suggest that you approach Ready for Love with an open mind, and be ready to go all in. Don’t think of it as “how long is this going to take every week?” but instead “am I ready for the life change that will attract the love I desire?”
What I teach and the transformation you will go through will change every part of your confidence, self-worth, and ability to date successfully and love again.
I am sorry to hear that. I cannot make up for the past, but I can tell you this: as a dating coach, I guarantee that I am here to support you until you have attracted the secure love you desire. The question I would also offer is this: are you going to let a past experience define your future?
Like most women, you have most likely prioritized other people’s needs before your own for your entire life. If you find yourself delaying this investment, I would suggest you ask yourself, “Am I pushing this off because I am scared of making changes in my life? Am I delaying because I don’t trust myself that I’ll find love?”
This program will let you confidently face those fears so you can finally put the self-doubt aside and confidently step into the woman on the other side of those fears.
I would also offer that the price has already increased since the program inception a few months ago. When Ready for Love launches again in Summer 2023, the investment will be 50% higher.

The premium love you desire.
Without wasting years of frustration and heartache.


What you’ll receive:
- Weekly live training so that you’ll learn the best methods and mindset shifts to thrive at love (Value $3000)
- Weekly Group Coaching Calls so that you feel supported, empowered, and motivated in a small group of other incredible women cheering you on (Value $3000)
- Lifetime access to recorded sessions so that you can continue to grow on your own time without feeling overwhelmed or rushed (Value $2000)
- 6 1:1 private mentoring sessions so that you can get the individualized attention that is unique to your dating experience and background (Value $3000)
- 2 Sessions with a certified energy healer to help you dig out hidden internal blocks that will finally release you from the cycle of self-sabotage and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from attracting love (Value: $500)
- Private Facebook Community so that you feel constantly supported and validated when sharing ideas and asking questions (Value $3000)
- Private access to me so that you can get the loving support and validation you need between sessions (Value $3000)
- 3 Months of Alumni Group Membership afterwards so you will continue to receive the support and accountability to attract the love you desire (Value $3000)
- 6-Month Love Planner and calendar so that you can effortlessly make connections with good men beyond the online profile (Value $1000)
- Private Human Design Consultation for Love to understand and maximize your intuition when finding love (Value $500)
- Guided meditations and proclamations to so that you feel confident, sexy, and motivated when you need it most (Value $500)
- Timeless online dating profile templates to catch the attention of the diamonds in the rough online (Value $1000)
- Access to my private online library–a curated list of books, podcasts, and other resources related to dating at midlife with confidence so that you feel empowered and trust yourself when you date again (Value $500)
EARLY BIRD BONUSES: Sign up before December 16th and receive…
- $1000 off your investment
- Extended payment plan
- Invitation to the private “Love Goal Workshop,” a 90-minute strategy session that will set you up for success (and get ahead of the game) in the group program…and your dating life (Value: $500)
- 2 bonus 1:1 sessions with me (in January) catered exclusively to your unique needs (Value: $1000)


If you’re still reading, then there is something that has spoken to you and touched your heart.
And I’d invite you to ask yourself, what would it take for you to prioritize yourself, invest in yourself and your love life, in order to get what your heart truly desires?
The investment is a cost to you, yes.
But what is the actual cost of not taking action?
Is it years continuing to feel like life is passing you by while you wait on the sidelines?
Is it getting into a relationship with a toxic man, just so you don’t feel lonely?
Is it more years of fearing that you’re running out of time?
Is it increased anxiety and self-consciousness you struggle with as your heart’s desires go unanswered?
Is it the continued social isolation as you withdraw because you hate going out alone?
It Doesn’t Have To Be That Way.
What if, in 4 months, you know *exactly* how to attract the love you want?
What if, once you take action, you’ve found an incredible loving man who cherishes you and excites you?
Are you ready to get the kind of love you’ve always dreamed of?
Are you ready to go “all in” because you know that you love life and the future of your next relationship, and your happiness depends on it?
Are you ready to invest in yourself now so you can feel secure, sexy, and empowered with the love you desire by your side?
Decades and the rest of your life with your best friend, your lover, and your partner in crime adoring you, cherishing you, and cheering you on?
The kind of love that makes you feel seen, heard, secure, respected, desired, appreciated, honored, and safe?

I’d invite you to ask yourself, what happens if you don’t do anything today? What happens if you close this tab without booking a call and deciding that joining the Ready for Love Premium Group Program is your next best step?
If you’re confident that you can attract the secure love you want without signing up, that’s great! I wish you much love, luck, and joy.
But if you have a strong pull to connect and find the fast track for attracting the love you desire, book a call.